Painting in progress - colourful sunset owl! bird artBird paintingscurrently for salenew paintings 24 Dec Written By sue gardner New Owl Painting This is the painting that I was demonstrating at the Atkins Gallery this week. Almost finished, I will see whan I go an collect him, whether he needs any more work. I love the colours in this piece. Hope you do too. barn owl artowl paintingoil paintingbird painting artistsunsetowlnew paintings sue gardner
Painting in progress - colourful sunset owl! bird artBird paintingscurrently for salenew paintings 24 Dec Written By sue gardner New Owl Painting This is the painting that I was demonstrating at the Atkins Gallery this week. Almost finished, I will see whan I go an collect him, whether he needs any more work. I love the colours in this piece. Hope you do too. barn owl artowl paintingoil paintingbird painting artistsunsetowlnew paintings sue gardner